Enthalpy of Hydration of Sulfuric Acid
Enthalpy of Hydration of Sulfuric Acid
1. The hydration reaction can be expressed in several manners. Write a chemical reaction that shows undissociated sulfuric acid reacting with water to form HSO_4 (aq) and hydronium ions H_3 O^+.
2. From the initial and final volumes of sulfuric acid in the 10 mL graduated cylinder, calculate the volume of sulfuric acid added to the calorimeter.
3. Use the volume of sulfuric added to the calorimeter, the density of concentrated sulfuric acid (1.8 g/mL), and its purity (98%) to calculate the mass of H_2 SO_4 placed in the calorimeter. By adding the mass of 98% sulfuric acid and the mass of water (density of water is 1.00 g/mL) in the calorimeter, calculate the total mass of solution in the calorimeter.
4. From the mass of added sulfuric acid and the molar mass of the acid, calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid added to the calorimeter.
5. By using Equation (11-5) with the initial and final temperatures and the mass of the solution, calculate Delta H The specific heat of the calorimeter contents is 3.97 J/g middot degree C.
6. Use Equation (11-1) and the result from the calculation in step 5 to calculate Delta H 7.
By using the results from the preceding calculations, convert Delta H to units of kJ/mol H_2 SO_4.
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